buddi bench™ & Seth nominated for the BBC Make a Difference Awards - The Together Award

Hello buddi bench™ supporters!

We have some very exciting news!

buddi bench™ & Seth have been nominated for the BBC Make a Difference Awards - The Together Award.

The Together Award is awarded to an individual or group of people who inspire diverse communities to come together. They do this by creating real change and breaking down barriers, bringing people from different walks of life together for a common cause.

This nomination has further increased our inspiration levels & optimism that buddi bench™ is gaining traction & continues to bring disparate groups & individuals together.

buddi bench™ is a not-for-profit & we enthusiastically work as unpaid volunteers to encourage creative responses to human distress. We happily provide buddi benches™ free of charge in your local parks. All our online content is also offered to you 100% free of charge.

The catch? There isn't one.

The only thing we ask of you is that you spread awareness of buddi bench™. To have maximum impact we need as many people as possible to know about us. Seth is a social media novice & so asks you to compensate for his inadequacies by promoting buddi bench™ with zeal - online & offline!


WWOW! what a shame


hurt people hurt